About Us

A Different Path is a book, a petition, a traveling presentation and movement. The details and the roadmap for a real societal change are outlined in the book.

We intend to use the Constitution as it was intended coupled with the power of non-violence to make real changes to our economy, to our government and to our society.

A Different Path, our petition and the display of WE gives us a chance and place to unite.

The author Jeff Vileta has begun the journey with the completion of the book A Different Path and has begun presenting the possibilities of change across our country.

Please help support the movement by signing your state’s petition, buy the book, make a donation or contact us with your ideas or desires to be connected


We make real change to our society by modifying the document that binds us.

We the People have the ability to influence an Article V Convention to draft a bill for us the people to vote on 3 amendments to our Constitution.

This is our chance to change our economy & modify our government.