Medicare & Social Security
Not war, not the effects of our changing environment, but the turning tide of Social Security and the unfunded Medicare/Medicaid obligations is the undisputed path of financial unsustainability. Which has put us in a precarious position of having to choose to care for a very large growing senior population or bankrupting the country.
Do you think this might be a good time to consider a real systemic change?
Do you think we are ready as a nation to open ourselves up to the possibility that there may be a different way, it is time to take a leap into a different means of supply and demand, a systemic change to our economicsystem unshackles us from budgets and let’s use what is available to us?
The National Academy of Social Insurance give a current detail of the solvency projections of the Medicare Insurance program.
CBS News recently did an indepth story
on the solvency and projected future
of Social Security.